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Build Your Own Styling Kit

I am a big fan of life hacks. One of my personal favorites has been to carry a mini version of my personal styling kit around with me! You never know when a button will pop, a nip will slip, or someone's overly friendly cat will crawl over your black dress! Here are a few things that you can pack up and keep in your glove compartment, or in your purse.


You can buy these in the "impulse purchase section" at any big store. These will come in handy when you're in a pinch, and forget that your dog sheds!


Once again, something that can be purchased at any retailer. You will need the contents when a button pops, or when that pesky arm hole gets a rip. Sneak off to the bathroom and whip a few stitches into that sucker! And if you don't know how to sew? Now's the time to learn! Thanks, YouTube!


I prefer to use wig tape, but any double sided tape will work wonders! A few strips will fix any and all wardrobe malfunctions--nip slip, gaping buttons, and even making sure your necklaces lay flat


To prevent runs in your tights and pantyhose, apply a thin layer of clear nail polish over the rip. It'll stop the run right away! Touch up that manicure while you're at it.


Accidents only happen when you aren't prepared! Keep a backup shirt in case of spills, and a pair of whatever your version of "sensible shoes" are in your trunk. Just in case! You don't want to walk in to a date straight from work wearing lunch leftovers, and you definitely do not want to end up spontaneously going somewhere in your going out heels that requires a bunch of walking! My sensible shoes are blue vegan suede Chelsea boots! No grandma shoes here!

What do you keep in your emergency kits?

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